Emu Health and Beauty

Posts Tagged ‘100 tips

  1. Get some sun, but not too much – the sun’s rays are full of essential Vitamin D however if you spend too much time in the sun and get burnt it can make you look older.
  2. Drink eight glasses of water a day – this hydrates your skin, boosts metabolism and makes you feel more energised.
  3. Exercise for twenty minutes a day – this gets your heart working, helps you lose weight and keeps you feeling energetic throughout the week.
  4. Walk to the shops for that pint of milk – don’t drive for five minutes when you could get fifteen minutes exercise.
  5. Do something silly – messing around and having fun can lower your heart rate.
  6. Keep your brain active – Play a word game, do some trivia, read.
  7. Be thankful – Looking at what you’ve got and how happy it makes you feel is a great way to stop becoming down in the dumps when something goes wrong.
  8. Wear suncream – It’s moisturising and it protects you from the sun which can cause tough, leathery skin.
  9. Eat your greens –  This has to last throughout your whole life, fruit and vegetables are full of essential nutrients.
  10. Hide dark circles – Use an under eye concealer just for this purpose. You’ll look brighter and more awake.
  11. Moisturise – Moisturised skin is less susceptible to wrinkles as the skin is more plumped and flexible meaning little movements don’t create fine lines.
  12. Wear clothes that fit – If you wear baggy shapeless clothes then you are going to look old. Find clothes that flatter your shape and show off your good points.
  13. Get a facial – Go out and pamper yourself once in a while, you’ll feel better and your skin will be glowing!
  14. Use anti aging products – Use these early on in life to help prevent fine lines and wrinkles. As you get older find products that minimise those lines.
  15. Stop smoking – The act of smoking can cause fine lines and thin lips not the mention the effect the smoke has on your skin.
  16. Cut back on alcohol – Drinking is a great way to relax but too much can dehydrate you.
  17. Get a skincare routine Cleansing, toning, exfoliating and moisturising every day can take years off.
  18. Get enough Vitamin C – Eat oranges and another other fruit high in this vitamin it keeps skin looking fresh and bright.
  19. Keeps your hands moisturised – Old looking hands can undo all the good work of a young face. Moisturise and don’t expose those hands to harsh chemicals.
  20. Improve your diet – Eat balanced meals, and get enough calories to sustain your lifestyle, not to few, not too many.
  21. Get more sleep – make sure your room isn’t too hot, don’t work where you intend to sleep, drink camomile tea.
  22. Lose weight – find out what your BMI is and if it isn’t in the normal range then try and get it there.
  23. Get enough essential fatty acids – These are essential for cell growth, blood pressure and lowering cholesterol. They are not produced in the body so must be gained through the diet, try fish or supplements.
  24. Don’t be afraid of chocolate – Even if you are trying to lose weight a tiny bit of chocolate should be factored into it. It makes you feel good!
  25. Meditate – Doing this daily can help you feel more relaxed and calm.
  26. Listen to music – Listening to music helps to motivate us, calm us, energise us and keep our brains working.
  27. Always keep healthy snacks in the house – Having apples to hand is much better than reaching for a packet of crisps.
  28. Use natural products – Natural products are free from harsh petrochemicals that do more harm to the skin than good.
  29. Have the occasional bath – They can help you sleep, soften skin and relax your whole body.
  30. Control those hormones – If you find that you can feel the menopause coming on, find out from a doctor and start controlling it.
  31. Have children – Studies have shown that women with more kids tend to live longer. Playing with your children will keep you active!
  32. Get a hobby – Instead of watching television in the evenings do something productive; knit, sew, run, play on the Wii or paint.
  33. Look after your teeth – brush twice a day. Get recommendations from your dentist whether you need specialist toothpaste such an enamel strengthener.
  34. Take supplements – Just take the essential multi-vitamins then consider others like evening primrose for menopause or EFAs for hypertension and blood pressure.
  35. Don’t be afraid of makeup – A bit of concealer under the eyes can take years off. Use natural shades on your eyes to enhance your skin tone.
  36. Look after your nails – Get a manicure or learn to look after them yourself. Moisturise cuticles and don’t let nail polish get chipped.
  37. Use thickening shampoos – It isn’t just men who experience thinning hair so whatever your gender make sure you use shampoos and conditioners to keep your hair thick and beautiful.
  38. Drink tea – Green tea especially is very good for you and very high in anti-oxidants help boost your immune system and keep you healthy.
  39. Practice yoga – Even if it is just with an instructional video on YouTube it can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  40. Try alternative therapies – Alternative therapies such as acupuncture can relieve stress and help with common ailments.
  41. Smile – Smiling makes people around you smile which in return makes you feel happier and more energised whilst looking happy and refreshed.
  42. Get a massage – Getting a regular massage can help to reduce stress and increase blood flow.
  43. Don’t regret not living – Whilst you can do the things you always wanted to do because as you get older you may regret never doing them.
  44. Use the internet – Using the internet to stay in contact with old friends can keep you social and up to date with any new technologies.
  45. Wear your seatbelt – Doing so lessens your risk of a fatal car crash, that’s one less thing to worry about.
  46. Dress your age – No one wants to be mutton dressed as lamb so find out what is fashionable for your age and be proud of who you are.
  47. Choose the proper hair style – Depending on your age a few grey hairs should be covered up with a dye close to your natural colour. However, there may come the time when it is best to embrace a full head of grey hair.
  48. Get some fresh air – Getting outside amongst the grass and trees can do wonders for your skin and health. You’ll feel more energised and healthier.
  49. Don’t go straight for botox – Try a few anti wrinkle creams, remedies and natural supplements before resorting to anything involving needles.
  50. Drink water instead of soda – If you don’t like water than try squeezing some lime juice in it for extra flavour and a detoxifying effect.
  51. Laughter really is the best medicine – Try to do something fun everyday, hand out with friends, have a laugh.
  52. Have a glass of red wine – Of course, drinking too much alcohol is very bad for you but red wine is high in anti-oxidants and can help protect your heart.
  53. Get Spicy – Eating spicy foods can boost your metabolism which can help you lose weight.
  54. Pamper Yourself – If you go out once in a while to a spa you will feel better about yourself and you can get a wide range of treatments to help any ailments.
  55. Eat Negative Calorie foods – Find out which foods spend more calories digesting then you get from eating them. They may not contribute to your energy levels but they will stop you feeling hungry.
  56. Find love– Studies show that happily married people tend to live longer than unmarried people.
  57. Stay Positive – If you look at growing older negatively then you will feel bad as you age. Look on it positively and you’ll feel brilliant.
  58. Floss – Flossing your teeth can help to strengthen gums which means you won’t lose your teeth and need false ones.
  59. Don’t be afraid to try new things – Even if it is reading a new sort of book or going to yoga with your friends.
  60. Improve your posture – Sit and stand up straight so you are hunched over. It will improve your back problems and make you look younger and more elegant.
  61. Take a cold shower – Doing so can make your heart and lungs work more efficiently and improve your circulatory system.
  62. Have sex – Research has showed that couples with a healthy lifestyle can add years to their lives.
  63. Strength Train – This can help to tighten sagging skin, make you feel energised and keep you strong and fit.
  64. Love yourself – Feeling negative and self conscious all the time will just make you feel awful. Walk tall and stand proud, love who you are.
  65. Get rid of that facial hair – This unfortunately goes for men and women alike. Ladies: Don’t be afraid to wax. Gents: shave off that beard!
  66. Lose the glasses – Try out contact lenses for a quick way to look younger. If you really like the look then think about laser eye surgery.
  67. Whiten your teeth – Yellow teeth look bad on people of any age. Speak to your pharmacy or beauty store about an over the counter teeth whitening kit.
  68. Exfoliate – Exfoliating your whole body can help to improve circulation whilst getting rid off dead skin cells making you feel soft.
  69. Target red patches – If you have patches of red on your face these can easily be targeted using anti-redness products leaving you with an even skin tone.
  70. Take care of your lips – Combat thinning lips with a plumping lip balm that contains agents such a cinnamon.
  71. Accept there is no magic solution – If you accept that you are getting older and nothing will roll you back to your twenties then you can embrace growing old with elegance.
  72. Detox – Detoxing can clear the body making you feel fresh and revitalised. Find a book or a website on how to do it.
  73. Sleep with an anti wrinkle pillow – These reduce the pressure between face and pillow so you don’t inadvertently cause wrinkles whilst you sleep.
  74. Get a good bra – Wearing a properly fitted bra can take years off, go and get measured now.
  75. Use a highlighter – These are skincare products that contain light reflecting particles thus making dark and patchy areas on the face look lighter.
  76. Understand what causes wrinkles – Understanding them can help you to prevent them. The internet is a great resource for this sort of information.
  77. Use an eye shadow Primer – Put this on your eyelids and below your eye before applying makeup. It’ll stop anything from creasing or smudging. The last thing you want is your eyeliner smudging below your eye and giving you bags.
  78. Buy fragrances – These could be body sprays or perfumes but always keep yourself smelling nice.
  79. Volumise your hair – As we get older hair thins, blow dry your hair upsidown, add a spritz of hair spray then style.
  80. Take Dandruff – Use an anti-dandruff product or a scalp moisturiser to banish those flakes.
  81. Save those teabags – let a used teabag go cold and put it on your eyes. It’ll reduce puffiness, redness and dark circles.
  82. Keep your hair long – You are going to look much younger if you stay away from the ‘I’ve hit 40’ style of short hair. Get a good cut and keep your hair just past shoulder length.
  83. Look younger with a self tan – If you are very pale opt for a self tanning moisturiser. Also if you are worried about stripes mix your self tan with moisturiser before applying.
  84. Wear Supportive undergarments – Tummy controlling underwear is great for sagging stomachs and can make you look 10lbs lighter.
  85. Treat Cellulite – Massaging and exfoliating the afflicted areas can often help reduce cellulite however there are various, expensive, cosmetic treatments that can also help.
  86. Get a makeup lesson – Doing you makeup in the same old and tired way can make you look just that. Go to a body shop party and get made over, or just pop into your local department store and ask for some tips.
  87. Splash face with cold water before makeup – This shrinks fore and allows makeup to glide on more seamlessly. It also gives less room for pores to get clogged up.
  88. Wear White – Light colours bring a youthful, bright element to your look.
  89. Don’t use shimmery products – Shimmery eye shadows can highlight fine lines and wrinkles.
  90. Use a pink blusher – Rosy cheeks can make you look healthy and fresh.
  91. Go for natural lip shades – Brightly coloured lipsticks can draw attention to thinning lips, opt for a clear or pink gloss instead.
  92. Drink Decaff – Doing so will allow you to get a better night’s sleep.
  93. Do not use soap on your face – Doing so will dry out your skin, stick with your cleanser and toner to remove dirt and makeup.
  94. Call your friends – Having a talk with your friends on the phone, gets your brain working and keeps your social life fresh.
  95. Don’t skip breakfast – Eating breakfast is the best way to boost your metabolism and if you eat plenty of complex carbohydrates you’d stay full until lunchtime.
  96. Avoid stress – Stress makes us frown and that leads to wrinkles. Try and stay away from the people and things that make you so stressed. For example, if weaving your trolley around stationary people and avoiding hitting children in the supermarket stresses you out then do your shopping online.
  97. Keep your skirts below the knee – Mini skirt may have suited you when you were younger but now they should be left to those still in their twenties and below.
  98. Invest in a good pair of jeans – Find a decent pair of dark, boot cut jeans that will lengthen your legs and make you look taller.
  99. Avoid hair cuts that are all one length – Get layers. Hair that is all one length tends to give the impression that you are wearing you hair like you did when you were a child.

100. Enjoy life – Doing so can help you to keep active, smile and be positive.